
A “dnsService” in the API is referred to as a Service Alias in the UI and the Rancher documentation. In the API documentation, we’ll use the UI terminology. A service alias allows the ability to add a DNS record for your services to be discovered.

Resource Fields

Writeable Fields

Field Type Create Update Default Notes
assignServiceIpAddress boolean Optional - -  
description string Optional Yes -  
externalId string Optional - -  
launchConfig launchConfig Optional - -  
metadata map[json] Optional Yes -  
name string Yes Yes -  
retainIp boolean Optional Yes -  
selectorLink string Optional Yes -  
stackId stack Optional - -  
startOnCreate boolean Optional - -  

Read Only Fields

Field Type Notes
data map[json]  
fqdn string  
healthState string  
id int The unique identifier for the dnsService
instanceIds array[instance]  
linkedServices map[service]  
system boolean  
upgrade serviceUpgrade  

Please read more about the common resource fields. These fields are read only and applicable to almost every resource. We have segregated them from the list above.


activate POST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/dnsServices/${ID}?action=activate

Input:This action has no inputs

Output: An updated copy of the service resource
continueupgrade POST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/dnsServices/${ID}?action=continueupgrade

Input:This action has no inputs

Output: An updated copy of the service resource
deactivate POST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/dnsServices/${ID}?action=deactivate

Input:This action has no inputs

Output: An updated copy of the service resource
rollback POST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/dnsServices/${ID}?action=rollback

Input:This action has no inputs

Output: An updated copy of the service resource
upgrade POST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/dnsServices/${ID}?action=upgrade

Input: ServiceUpgrade Field | Type | Required | Default | Notes ---|---|---|---|--- inServiceStrategy | [inServiceUpgradeStrategy](/docs/rancher/v1.6/en/api/v2-beta/api-resources/inServiceUpgradeStrategy/) | No | | toServiceStrategy | [toServiceUpgradeStrategy](/docs/rancher/v1.6/en/api/v2-beta/api-resources/toServiceUpgradeStrategy/) | No | |
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
	"inServiceStrategy": {
		"batchSize": 1,
		"intervalMillis": 2000,
		"launchConfig": {
			"accountId": "reference[account]",
			"agentId": "reference[agent]",
			"allocationState": "string",
			"blkioDeviceOptions": "map[blkioDeviceOption]",
			"blkioWeight": 0,
			"build": {
				"context": "string",
				"dockerfile": "string",
				"forcerm": false,
				"nocache": false,
				"remote": "string",
				"rm": false
			"capAdd": "array[enum]",
			"capDrop": "array[enum]",
			"cgroupParent": "string",
			"command": [
			"count": 0,
			"cpuCount": 0,
			"cpuPercent": 0,
			"cpuPeriod": 0,
			"cpuQuota": 0,
			"cpuSet": "string",
			"cpuSetMems": "string",
			"cpuShares": 0,
			"createIndex": 0,
			"created": "date",
			"data": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"dataVolumeMounts": "map[reference[volume]]",
			"dataVolumes": [
			"dataVolumesFrom": "array[reference[container]]",
			"dataVolumesFromLaunchConfigs": [
			"deploymentUnitUuid": "string",
			"description": "string",
			"devices": [
			"diskQuota": 0,
			"disks": "array[virtualMachineDisk]",
			"dns": [
			"dnsOpt": [
			"dnsSearch": [
			"domainName": "string",
			"entryPoint": [
			"environment": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"expose": [
			"externalId": "string",
			"extraHosts": [
			"firstRunning": "date",
			"groupAdd": [
			"healthCheck": {
				"healthyThreshold": 0,
				"initializingTimeout": 0,
				"interval": 0,
				"name": "string",
				"port": 0,
				"recreateOnQuorumStrategyConfig": {
					"quorum": 0
				"reinitializingTimeout": 0,
				"requestLine": "string",
				"responseTimeout": 0,
				"strategy": "recreate",
				"unhealthyThreshold": 0
			"healthCmd": [
			"healthInterval": 0,
			"healthRetries": 0,
			"healthState": "enum",
			"healthTimeout": 0,
			"hostId": "reference[host]",
			"hostname": "string",
			"id": 0,
			"imageUuid": "string",
			"instanceLinks": "map[reference[instance]]",
			"instanceTriggeredStop": "stop",
			"ioMaximumBandwidth": 0,
			"ioMaximumIOps": 0,
			"ip": "string",
			"ip6": "string",
			"ipcMode": "string",
			"isolation": "string",
			"kernelMemory": 0,
			"kind": "container",
			"labels": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"logConfig": {
				"config": {
					"key": "value-pairs"
				"driver": "string"
			"lxcConf": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"memory": 0,
			"memoryMb": 0,
			"memoryReservation": 0,
			"memorySwap": 0,
			"memorySwappiness": 0,
			"milliCpuReservation": 0,
			"mounts": "array[mountEntry]",
			"nativeContainer": false,
			"netAlias": [
			"networkContainerId": "reference[container]",
			"networkIds": "array[reference[network]]",
			"networkLaunchConfig": "string",
			"networkMode": "managed",
			"oomKillDisable": false,
			"oomScoreAdj": 0,
			"pidMode": "enum",
			"pidsLimit": 0,
			"ports": [
			"primaryIpAddress": "string",
			"primaryNetworkId": "reference[network]",
			"privileged": false,
			"publishAllPorts": false,
			"readOnly": false,
			"registryCredentialId": "reference[registryCredential]",
			"removeTime": "date",
			"removed": "date",
			"requestedHostId": "reference[host]",
			"requestedIpAddress": "string",
			"secrets": "array[secretReference]",
			"securityOpt": [
			"serviceId": "reference[service]",
			"serviceIds": "array[reference[service]]",
			"shmSize": 0,
			"stackId": "reference[stack]",
			"startCount": 0,
			"startOnCreate": true,
			"state": "enum",
			"stdinOpen": false,
			"stopSignal": "string",
			"storageOpt": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"sysctls": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"system": false,
			"tmpfs": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"token": "string",
			"transitioning": "enum",
			"transitioningMessage": "string",
			"transitioningProgress": 0,
			"tty": false,
			"ulimits": "array[ulimit]",
			"user": "string",
			"userPorts": [
			"userdata": "string",
			"usernsMode": "string",
			"uts": "string",
			"uuid": "string",
			"vcpu": 1,
			"version": "0",
			"volumeDriver": "string",
			"workingDir": "string"
		"previousLaunchConfig": {
			"accountId": "reference[account]",
			"agentId": "reference[agent]",
			"allocationState": "string",
			"blkioDeviceOptions": "map[blkioDeviceOption]",
			"blkioWeight": 0,
			"build": {
				"context": "string",
				"dockerfile": "string",
				"forcerm": false,
				"nocache": false,
				"remote": "string",
				"rm": false
			"capAdd": "array[enum]",
			"capDrop": "array[enum]",
			"cgroupParent": "string",
			"command": [
			"count": 0,
			"cpuCount": 0,
			"cpuPercent": 0,
			"cpuPeriod": 0,
			"cpuQuota": 0,
			"cpuSet": "string",
			"cpuSetMems": "string",
			"cpuShares": 0,
			"createIndex": 0,
			"created": "date",
			"data": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"dataVolumeMounts": "map[reference[volume]]",
			"dataVolumes": [
			"dataVolumesFrom": "array[reference[container]]",
			"dataVolumesFromLaunchConfigs": [
			"deploymentUnitUuid": "string",
			"description": "string",
			"devices": [
			"diskQuota": 0,
			"disks": "array[virtualMachineDisk]",
			"dns": [
			"dnsOpt": [
			"dnsSearch": [
			"domainName": "string",
			"entryPoint": [
			"environment": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"expose": [
			"externalId": "string",
			"extraHosts": [
			"firstRunning": "date",
			"groupAdd": [
			"healthCheck": {
				"healthyThreshold": 0,
				"initializingTimeout": 0,
				"interval": 0,
				"name": "string",
				"port": 0,
				"recreateOnQuorumStrategyConfig": {
					"quorum": 0
				"reinitializingTimeout": 0,
				"requestLine": "string",
				"responseTimeout": 0,
				"strategy": "recreate",
				"unhealthyThreshold": 0
			"healthCmd": [
			"healthInterval": 0,
			"healthRetries": 0,
			"healthState": "enum",
			"healthTimeout": 0,
			"hostId": "reference[host]",
			"hostname": "string",
			"id": 0,
			"imageUuid": "string",
			"instanceLinks": "map[reference[instance]]",
			"instanceTriggeredStop": "stop",
			"ioMaximumBandwidth": 0,
			"ioMaximumIOps": 0,
			"ip": "string",
			"ip6": "string",
			"ipcMode": "string",
			"isolation": "string",
			"kernelMemory": 0,
			"kind": "container",
			"labels": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"logConfig": {
				"config": {
					"key": "value-pairs"
				"driver": "string"
			"lxcConf": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"memory": 0,
			"memoryMb": 0,
			"memoryReservation": 0,
			"memorySwap": 0,
			"memorySwappiness": 0,
			"milliCpuReservation": 0,
			"mounts": "array[mountEntry]",
			"nativeContainer": false,
			"netAlias": [
			"networkContainerId": "reference[container]",
			"networkIds": "array[reference[network]]",
			"networkLaunchConfig": "string",
			"networkMode": "managed",
			"oomKillDisable": false,
			"oomScoreAdj": 0,
			"pidMode": "enum",
			"pidsLimit": 0,
			"ports": [
			"primaryIpAddress": "string",
			"primaryNetworkId": "reference[network]",
			"privileged": false,
			"publishAllPorts": false,
			"readOnly": false,
			"registryCredentialId": "reference[registryCredential]",
			"removeTime": "date",
			"removed": "date",
			"requestedHostId": "reference[host]",
			"requestedIpAddress": "string",
			"secrets": "array[secretReference]",
			"securityOpt": [
			"serviceId": "reference[service]",
			"serviceIds": "array[reference[service]]",
			"shmSize": 0,
			"stackId": "reference[stack]",
			"startCount": 0,
			"startOnCreate": true,
			"state": "enum",
			"stdinOpen": false,
			"stopSignal": "string",
			"storageOpt": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"sysctls": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"system": false,
			"tmpfs": {
				"key": "value-pairs"
			"token": "string",
			"transitioning": "enum",
			"transitioningMessage": "string",
			"transitioningProgress": 0,
			"tty": false,
			"ulimits": "array[ulimit]",
			"user": "string",
			"userPorts": [
			"userdata": "string",
			"usernsMode": "string",
			"uts": "string",
			"uuid": "string",
			"vcpu": 1,
			"version": "0",
			"volumeDriver": "string",
			"workingDir": "string"
		"previousSecondaryLaunchConfigs": "array[secondaryLaunchConfig]",
		"secondaryLaunchConfigs": "array[secondaryLaunchConfig]",
		"startFirst": false
	"toServiceStrategy": {
		"batchSize": 1,
		"finalScale": 1,
		"intervalMillis": 2000,
		"toServiceId": "reference[service]",
		"updateLinks": false
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/dnsServices/${ID}?action=upgrade'

Output: An updated copy of the service resource
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